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Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Discover Benefits & Recommendations

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Discover Benefits & Recommendations

Yes, dogs can eat eggs. Eggs have long been a favourite food for our four-legged friends. Why? They are a nutritious and delicious ingredient that dogs adore. Just be sure you’re feeding your dog eggs in a safe way and in addition to a balanced diet.


What Are the Benefits of Eggs in Your Dog’s Diet?

Eggs of all kinds are highly nutritious. As an all-included resort for developing chickens, ducks, and other poultry, egg shells, yolk and whites are rich in the elements needed to grow a healthy, strong body and mind. 


These nutrients include:

      • Protein
      • Vitamin A
      • Folic acid
      • Thiamine
      • Riboflavin
      • Vitamin B12
      • Selenium
      • Calcium
      • Phosphorus
      • Omega-3 fatty acids

How Do the Nutrients in Eggs Help Dogs?

The unique combination of vitamins, fatty acids, protein, and minerals is a recipe for a strong, energetic, happy dog

  • Vitamin A, Riboflavin, and Vitamin 12 support your dog’s immune system and their vision
  • Protein and thiamine promote healthy muscles, energy regulation, and a bright mind. Folic acid helps the body create red blood cells while supporting the nervous system. 
  • Selenium aids in the metabolism and may help prevent cancer.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids help your dog glow inside and out. These fatty acids support the heart, kidneys, and skin while reducing inflammation.
  • Amino acids are utilized throughout your dog’s body. From their muscles to their brain, amino acids are essential.

What to Know About Feeding Your Dog Eggs

Since eggs are such an eggstoradinary ingredient, you may feel compelled to add them to every meal your dog eats. For the most part, adding eggs to your dog’s diet is a great idea. You will just want to be sure that you’re handling and cooking the eggs safely, and only feed raw eggs if you know they are from a trusted reliable source. 

Should You Feed Your Dog Raw Eggs?

Eggs have been a natural part of a dog's diet for thousands of years. However, it’s always safest to feed your dog cooked eggs, and only feed raw eggs from a trusted source. Chicken and other poultry can carry the bacteria salmonella, which can spread to the eggs. This can cause your dog to become very sick, experiencing loose stools, fever, and vomiting. 

Eggs and Biotin Deficiency

The nutrients coming into your dog’s body affect the natural processes of the body, whether that is good or bad.

Egg whites include a unique protein, avidin, that in large amounts, can suppresses the ability for your dog’s body to absorb biotin. This is incredibly rare however, and a dog would need to eat over 12 egg whites every day for over a month for it to lead to any deficiencies. Though, to be on the safe side, cooking the eggs breaks down this protein, rendering it harmless. 

Why Is Biotin Absorption Important?

Biotin is essential for cell regrowth, digestion, metabolism, and skin health.


Are Eggs an Allergen for Dogs?

Yes, eggs can be a common allergen for some dogs, with about 4% of dogs reporting egg reactions! This is far less prevalent as allergies to ingredients like beef, chicken, dairy, wheat, or soy.


Dogs can develop allergies to any protein source, including eggs. Signs of an allergic reaction or an intolerance in dogs can include itching, skin irritation, gastrointestinal upset, and even respiratory issues. If you suspect your dog is allergic to eggs or any other ingredient, it's best to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and guidance on managing your dog's diet.


Why are some dogs allergic to eggs? Egg allergies occur when a dog’s immune system mistakes the ingredient as a pathogen and sends antibodies to respond in order to protect the body. 


Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells?

A Beagle eating from his bowl with eggshells next to it

Eggshells can be beneficial for dogs when prepared properly. Eggshells are a good source of calcium, which is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth in dogs. However, it's essential to crush the eggshells into a fine powder before giving them to your dog, as large pieces can pose a choking hazard or cause gastrointestinal irritation.


To prepare eggshells for your dog, you can wash them thoroughly to remove any residue, then bake them in the oven to dry them out completely. Once they are dry and brittle, crush them into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or a food processor. You can then sprinkle a small amount of the eggshell powder onto your dog's food as a calcium supplement.


As long as you are feeding a high quality diet, your dog food provides them with all the nutrients they need, so you can rest assured that they are getting the right level of calcium from their standard diet.


What Are the Unique Benefits of Eggshells?

Eggshells are rich in minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, iodine, and iron. All of these support a healthy immune system, healthy growth, a strong metabolism, and proper development.


How to Prepare and Feed Your Dog Eggs

For dogs with a balanced diet, one egg per day is plenty to keep them happy and healthy. You can scramble, boil them, or fry (just be sure if you are using oil - that is a healthy option such as coconut oil) 

Although it may be instinct to add salt to your eggs, avoid doing this with your dogs, as this can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. 

For dogs that are overweight, opt for egg whites to reduce their caloric intake. 

  • One Large Egg white contains 17 Calories and 3.6g of protein
  • One Large Egg yolk contains 55 calories and 2.6g of protein

How to Dress Up Your Dog’s Eggs

If you want to treat your dog to a delightful breakfast or dinner, add a bit of colour to your dog’s eggs with carrots, salmon, chicken, or spinach.


Another Note on Eggs

Puppies enjoy eggs, too. Just be extra mindful of safe egg handling, and always check with your vet before switching your puppy's diet. 


Dogs + Egg = A Hatch Made in Heaven

A dog starting at his food bowl with a raw egg in it


While eggs are a nutritious and delicious treat for most dogs, remember to prioritize safety and moderation. Cook the eggs thoroughly and avoid overdoing it. If you notice any signs of intolerances, stop giving your pup eggs and consult your veterinarian. With a little planning, eggs can be a wonderful addition to your dog's diet!