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7 New Years Resolutions for Dog Owners

A dog wearing a new year's party hat

A new year is here–and so are seven more dog years’ worth of memories for you and your furry best friend! Whether you have a puppy, an adult dog, or a dog entering their golden years, a new year presents the perfect op-paw-tunity to embrace new adventures with your dog. To make the most of the upcoming year, we have some unbeatable resolutions that will transform the next twelve months into a calendar filled with fun, excitement, and better health!

#1 Explore Some New Parks & Trails

New years resolutions often revolve around weight loss and hitting the gym. However, most gyms don’t offer pupper memberships. Adding more physical activities through outdoor adventure is a great way to keep your dog fit while adding excitement to their life! Embracing sunshine, fresh air, and new sights engages the body and mind while strengthening the dog-human bond. So, grab your dog’s lead, get out there, and enjoy watching your dog have a blast while burning calories.

#2 Learn Some New Tricks

No matter your dog’s age, learning new commands helps them gain a great deal of confidence. Training isn’t just great for your dog’s obedience–it also staves off doggo depression while strengthening the dog-owner bond. And studies suggest the more mentally active your dog stays, the less likely they are to struggle with issues related to doggie dementia.

Need some new tricks? Try:

      • Roll Over
      • Spin
      • Touch the hand
      • Stay
      • Find your lead

#3 Don’t Skip Doggie Dental Hygiene

A dog smiling with clean teeth

You may not notice your dog’s dental health beyond their breath. However, your dog’s chompers, gums, and overall oral health has a huge effect on their wellbeing–and even lifespan! So, if it’s been a while since you brushed your dog’s teeth, brought them for a doggie dental cleaning, or invested in gum-scrubbing dog treats, there’s no time like the present!

To keep those pearly whites shining, provide your doggo with:

      • Daily brushings
      • Water additive that softens plaque
      • Dental treats that clean between teeth and along the gums

And don’t forget to ask your veterinarian about your dog’s dental health at your next appointment

#4 Get Crafty with Your Canine Companion

Turn your dog into a Pup-casso with some DIY arts-and-crafts. Paw print artwork, photography, or gardening with your dog offer fun projects that allow you to express your creativity and break up your daily routine. 

If you’re going to use paint, just remember to select water-based products and keep some paw wipes nearby!

#5 Invest in Playtime with New Toys

A dog with several dog toys

Playtime isn’t just for puppies! Help your dog embrace their inner pupper with some new dog toys that will liven up playtime. Fresh, fun toys help your dog feel as special as you know they are! Daily playtime will also elevate your dog’s heart rate to keep them physically and mentally healthy day after day!

#6 Make Nutrition a Priority

When was the last time you evaluated your dog’s diet? If your dog is stuck in a nutritional slump, take the time to review whether or not their diet is on-par with the latest veterinary nutrition guidelines. Switching to a healthier diet can do wonders for your dog’s energy levels, mood, and physical health.

Providing your dog with a well-balanced diet, rich in protein and fresh produce gives them the fuel they need to enjoy life to the fullest. All it takes to find the best dog food for your best friend is a bit of time to research which brand reflects your dog’s needs, and a few weeks to transition them to their new kibble or raw dog food.

#7 Pamper Your Pup with Grooming

Bath-time can often take a backseat to other dog parent priorities. But it doesn’t have to! Providing your dog with a scrubbing, hair trim, and nail trim can help them feel their best! And when your dog smells great, we bet you will find yourself spending a bit more time petting your pupper.

If you don’t have the time or ability to bathe your dog, schedule a date for them at a local doggo salon. They’ll feel like a canine king or queen for a day.

A New Year: The Pawfect Time for Some New Routines

A dog in a pile of streamers

Make this year the best yet for your four-legged friend. From their diet to their daily activity levels, making changes to your dog’s life will pay off now and into the future! Just remember to take plenty of photos along the way!