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What Kind of Pet Parent Are You?


Answer these 20 fun questions to find out what kind of pet parent you are!

1. Your dog wants to play fetch, but you're in the middle of watching your favourite TV show. What do you do?

a) Pause the show and head outside for a quick game
b) Throw the ball inside while continuing to watch
c) Ignore your dog until the show is over
d) Set up a automatic ball launcher so you can both be happy

2. It's time for your dog's annual check-up. How do you prepare?

a) Research any concerns and prepare a list of questions for the vet
b) Grab some treats and hope for the best
c) Completely forget until the vet's office calls to remind you
d) Take your dog for a spa day before the appointment

3. You're shopping for dog food. What's your approach?

a) Carefully read labels and choose the healthiest option
b) Pick whatever's on sale
c) Ask the store clerk for a recommendation
d) Order a custom-blend recipe tailored to your dog's DNA

4. Your dog has destroyed your favourite pair of shoes. Your reaction?

a) Use it as a training opportunity
b) Hide all your shoes and invest in chew toys
c) Get upset and scold your dog
d) Frame the chewed shoe as "modern art"

5. It's your dog's birthday! How do you celebrate?

a) Bake a dog-friendly cake and invite doggy friends for a party
b) Give extra belly rubs and maybe a new toy
c) Forget until you see it on social media
d) Rent out a dog park and hire a pet photographer

6. Your friend asks you to dog-sit. You:

a) Agree enthusiastically and plan fun activities
b) Agree, but hope it's not for too long
c) Make up an excuse to avoid it
d) Offer to dog-sit for a month and suggest a doggy playdate

7. You're going on vacation. What do you do with your dog?

a) Find a reputable boarding facility or trusted pet-sitter
b) Ask a friend or family member to watch them
c) Consider taking them with you
d) Cancel the vacation and plan a "staycation" with your dog instead

8. How often do you post about your dog on social media?

a) Occasionally, when something cute happens
b) Rarely, you're not big on social media
c) Never, that's not your thing
d) Daily, your dog has more followers than you do

9. Your dog needs a bath. You:

a) Give them a thorough wash at home
b) Take them to a professional groomer
c) Wait until they start to smell
d) Install a dog-washing station in your home

10. When meeting other dog owners at the park, you:

a) Exchange training tips and arrange playdates
b) Make small talk while the dogs play
c) Keep to yourself
d) Hand out business cards for your dog's Instagram

11. Your dog gives you "puppy eyes" while you're eating dinner. You:

a) Resist the temptation and stick to their regular feeding schedule
b) Sneak them a small piece under the table
c) Put them in another room during mealtimes
d) Prepare a separate "doggy dinner" to eat alongside you

12. You're choosing a new car. Your top priority is:

a) Safety features for you and your dog
b) Good fuel economy
c) Style and performance
d) Built-in dog bed, water dispenser, and "bark-activated" window

13. Your dog leaves a "surprise" on your neighbour's lawn. You:

a) Clean it up immediately and apologize to the neighbour
b) Clean it up quickly and hope no one noticed
c) Pretend you didn't see it and keep walking
d) Clean it up, then offer to fertilize and mow your neighbour's entire lawn as an apology

14. Your dog starts howling along to a TV commercial jingle. You:

a) Try to train them to stop
b) Laugh and record it for fun
c) Turn off the TV in frustration
d) Auto-tune the howling and create a remix for your dog's new single

15. Choosing a name for your new dog:

a) You carefully consider names that suit their personality
b) You ask friends and family for suggestions
c) You stick with whatever name they came with
d) You legally change your own last name to match your dog's

16. You're about to eat a juicy steak and your dog is staring at you. What do you do?

a) Enjoy your steak guilt-free, your dog has their own food
b) Cut off a small piece for your dog as a special treat
c) Try to eat quickly before the guilt sets in
d) Order a second steak just for your dog - medium rare, of course

17. You're on a date and they ask to see photos of your dog. You:

a) Show a few recent pictures from your phone
b) Realize you don't have many recent photos
c) Change the subject
d) Pull out a 100-page professionally bound photo album

18. You've finished dinner and there's still some sauce left on your plate. Your dog looks interested. You:

a) Rinse the plate and put it in the dishwasher without letting your dog near it
b) Let your dog have a quick lick before washing the plate thoroughly
c) Scrape the leftover sauce into your dog's bowl as a treat
d) Hand the entire plate to your dog and say "You're on dish duty tonight, buddy!"

19.  When it comes to sharing your bed with your dog, you: 

a) Let them sleep at the foot of the bed—there’s room for both of you.
b) Allow them to sleep next to you, but only if they behave.
c) Prefer they stay in their own bed to keep things tidy.
d) Give them the prime spot and squeeze in wherever you can.

20. It’s Christmas morning! What kind of present do you give your dog?

a) A practical gift, like a new collar or leash.
b) A toy that will keep them entertained for hours.
c) A special treat or bone—nothing too fancy.
d) A mountain of gifts, including custom outfits, gourmet treats, and more toys than they can handle.


Mostly A's: The Devoted Dog Dad
Mostly B's: The Casual Canine Companion
Mostly C's: The Reluctant Rover Raiser
Mostly D's: The Over-the-Top Pooch Parent


The Devoted Dog Dad:

You're all in when it comes to dog parenthood! You take your responsibilities seriously, always putting your furry friend's needs first. Your dog is lucky to have such a caring and attentive parent.

The Casual Canine Companion:

You love your dog, but you maintain a relaxed approach to pet ownership. You strike a good balance between caring for your pup and maintaining your own life and interests.

The Reluctant Rover Raiser:

Dog ownership might not come naturally to you, but you're trying your best. There's room for improvement in your dog parenting skills, but with a little effort, you and your pup can develop a stronger bond.

The Over-the-Top Pooch Parent:

Your dog isn't just a pet - they're your whole world! While your dedication is admirable, remember that sometimes less is more. Your pup loves you no matter how extravagant their lifestyle is.